Historic Rosedale Charlotte North Caroline
3427 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28206704-335-0325
(Mailing Address: P.O. Box 790004, Charlotte, NC 28206)

Reflecting on COVID-19

Dear members, supporters, and friends;

Historic Rosedale is moving forward during what has been an uncertain and difficult time. We are creatively adapting the ways in which we will interact with and engage our visitors, and rethinking how we can deliver a positive impact. Most importantly, we continue to be committed to our mission of historical preservation in Charlotte. We are proud of the work we do in the historical community and the experiences we are able to share with visitors of all ages, not only as a vital tourist destination, but as a community resource.

In the midst of this disruptive virus, our staff remains dedicated to delivering unique programs, sharing our historical legacy, and offering a beautiful greenspace for respite and celebration. The COVID-19 pandemic may have hit Historic Rosedale hard, but it has not knocked us down.

We were fortunate to receive assistance from the payroll protection plan. Additionally, many of you heeded our plea for assistance. We are humbled by the support -both financially and in terms of volunteer time–that so many have given. With your continued support, we will overcome the challenges we now face; mainly reopening our site in a safe manner. Our opening will be slow and expenses will continue to mount. Did you know something as simple as site and property insurance for Rosedale can run over $17.000 per year?  With that in mind, should you feel moved to donate, please utilize our online donation page or call our office if you need assistance. No amount is too small, no support is insignificant.

As our community begins to reopen and flourish again after these restrictive months, take a moment to reflect; reflect on the human spirit, acts of kindness, and the simple pleasures that we have rediscovered. While there has been hardship and tragedy, there have also been displays of resilience and hope.

With best wishes during this recovery period,

Deborah A. Hunter

Executive Director