Historic Rosedale Charlotte North Caroline
3427 N. Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28206704-335-0325
(Mailing Address: P.O. Box 790004, Charlotte, NC 28206)

Chocolate and Flowers for Valentines

People have been savoring chocolate since 2,000 BC. In past times, it was called the “Food of the Gods”.

Dr. Larry Mellichamp will discuss how chocolate, once only available to the upper class, became so popular, as well as how it evolved over the years from 1600 to colonial times to now. As you visit Historic Rosedale’s Grand Hall, you will get to see the hot chocolate set given to Harriet Caldwell as a wedding gift in 1826.

Then stroll outside to witness the lovely blooms of our camellia garden. Finally, come back to warm up and experience how chocolate was served back in colonial times. Dr. Mellichamp will demonstrate whipping the chocolate in a Molinari. You can sample the hot chocolate, along with old-fashioned chocolate cookies and examples of different degrees of cocoa bars.

February 14, 2019

10:00 am – 12:30 pm

$35 per person